Dolphins Multiacuatic - From South & West

2:00 hours

  • Dolphins Multiacuatic - From South & West
  • Dolphins Multiacuatic - From South & West
  • Dolphins Multiacuatic - From South & West


MULTIACUATIC is devoted exclusively to the observation of cetaceans (dolphins) and whale watching. We are proud that our boat has been awarded “Blue Boat” status. This distinction is only granted to craft that among other requirements, filfill behaviour protocol with a tendancy to the protection and conservation of the marine world in general, especially to cetacens. During the trip and whilst sighting marine life, a guide specialising in the observations of cetaceans will provide passengers with interesting and factual information. This guide can also give information about other marine life that maybe sighted on the trip including turtles, flying fish etc. MULTIACTAUTIC is a newly constructed catamaran (2005). The boat is 52 feet long and 20 feet wide distributed into two decks. An Access ramp is available if required for pushchairs. All posible precautions are taken in relation to saftey and security.